Do you have time at all to notice what’s going on with you?

Go to nature, away from electronics and the crowd.

Stop. Listen. Become aware.

Are you busy tending to other people’s issues instead of putting on your own life vest first?

Has your Inner Saboteur taken over?

Are you ready to catapult from your comfort zone and have an adventure of self-discovery?

Photo Credit: Pixabay, adege

Are you on autopilot, stuck with beliefs, habits, a lifestyle, frenemies that you do not vibe with anymore?

Snap out of it. Get off the hamster wheel, even if it looks like a merry-go-round.

Declutter: ditch or keep, let go or nurture.


Do you feel stressed, depleted, anxious, indecisive?

Ground yourself by:

  • Earthing
  • Gardening, pottery
  • Tree hugging
  • Eating the right foods
  • Meditation, visualization, chakra balancing
  • EFT tapping
  • Gratitude/ prayer practice
  • Using crystals, essential oils
  • Journaling
  • Dealing with the issues head-on
  • Moving your body
  • Breathwork
  • Massage
  • Being near water
  • Bringing nature in, applying Feng Shui

Photo Credit: Pixabay, Graehawk

Is your place loaded with stuff you don’t connect with anymore?

Declutter, clean! Including your (hand)bag, wallet, and car.


  • your space
  • your schedule
  • your relationships
  • your digital files and online presence.

Choose consciously who or what you give your energy to.


Are you ignoring your Inner Child? Even if it is screaming?

Shed light on your unique -perhaps still dormant- talents and let them out to play.

Flex your creativity muscles every way you can.

Looking at the blue color helps your mind explore and be curious.

Having daily brainstorming sessions will enhance your genius.


Are you crystal clear about what you want?

Visualize with feeling.

Keep in mind: as an Alchemist you can transform something common into something special.

Set up a reasonable schedule for yourself and break down projects into smaller tasks.

Dare to dream. With your feet on the ground.

Photo Credit: Pixabay, Stock Snap

Conscious when making decisions?

Be aware of what you want to achieve short and long term. A shift bringing you closer to your desired results can happen when a clear decision in your mind locks with loving intention in your heart.


Have you taken the very first step towards your goal?

Go towards your goal one step at a time every day.

Pick your priority, avoid distractions.

Trust yourself. You have the power to summon up help from higher universal forces as well.


Are the 5 elements in balance in your environment?

The balance of nature’s 5 elements (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal) and the balance of yin-yang (feminine and masculine) in your space ensure flow in your life.


Are you frolicking in the NOW?

Life is happening NOW. Are you just waiting on the sidelines, or are you LIVING it?


Are you nudged by gentle reminders of your values and goals?

Let images, personal power objects, and symbols touch you on a soul level and empower you.

A vision board “talks” to you constantly, reminding you to realize your goals.

Cherished personal items carry special energy.

Good luck symbols hold positive energy.


Are you surrounding yourself with life? Are you in the FLOW?

Bring nature inside. Take more walks in nature, let the wind play with your hair, and the sun caress your face.

Increase the energy flow in your body by boosting your immune system, moving, conscious breathing, bodywork, drinking lots of water.

Photo Credit: Pixabay, LTapsaH

Do you let yourself be inspired?

Treating yourself not only visually, but with sounds and scents as well, will inspire and make you happy.

Images, sounds, aromas representing harmony, abundance, joy, love help you manifest prosperity.

Engaging with like-minded people, consuming material that’s uplifting and inspiring will help you grow.


Are you listening to your soul talking to you?

Notice signs, symbols, synchronicities, messages, and messengers. They are trying to nudge you in a certain direction.

Listen to the inner voice true to your soul. First, it’s a whisper, then a moan, don’t wait until it becomes a loud cry.


Are you living up to your maximum potential?

Dig for the gold hidden in your precious self. Open your eyes to the realization that it is all in you.

The journey might require blood, sweat and tears, but alchemized by your ingenuity and perseverance, the result is sweet satisfaction.


Are you empowering yourself with color?

We can be grouped into one of the 4 seasonal color types by our personal coloring (winter, spring, summer, fall).

Color in the interior impacts our physiology and psychology.

Powerful and magical Color Systems infuse your space energetically to speed up your progress and to bring balance.

Photo Credit: Pixabay, DeltaWorks

Have you positioned yourself in the Power Position?

Do not have your back to the door but face it (without being in direct line with it) when at the desk/stove/in bed. You want to be mindful of what is coming towards you.


Do you acknowledge yourself for being the change-maker and at the same time the anchor for yourself?

You are the Magician, co-creating with the Universe with every decision at every heartbeat.



Photo Credit for Featured Image: Unsplash, Saffu


Julianna Kocsis is a Feng Shui Specialist, Organizational Expert, Intuitive Vibrational Catalyst, Textile Design Archivist. She is also the founder of Talila Consulting. Bringing Order and Harmony to your Home, Work and Life.

To book an appointment, contact Us:







Julianna Kocsis Founder Talila Consulting Julianna has more than 25 years of experience as a textile design consultant, archivist and visual merchandiser, as well as holding a Diploma in Interior Design and Decoration. Her strong design and merchandising background, unique organizational skills, and intimate understanding of space planning have equipped her to create customized systems that are high-functioning, accessible, inspiring and visually pleasing. Besides her proven design skills, Julianna brings together a deep love of beauty, order and harmony. Her certifications in BTB Feng Shui, Feng Shui Staging, Intuitive Consulting, Theta Healing, and Multi-Dimensional Healing, as well as her experience of Reiki, Shamanic Healing and esoteric studies, allow her to adopt a holistic and flexible approach to every client. She has a unique ability to utilize various energy healing modalities, conscious manifestation tools, meditation techniques and intuitive insights to tap into the psychology of the person and the space and to activate the sacred connection that binds the two together. As she holds a BA in Teaching English, and lived in the US for several years, Julianna has no problem communicating and partnering with international clients, and building that vital personal connection. Through a rare combination of common sense, integrity, and a hint of the miraculous, Julianna takes every client on their own journey of personal transformation from chaos to order.

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